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Dr. Jeremy Beyer


Jeremy Beyer's career in physical therapy is driven by a strong interest and passion for high-performance and sports rehabilitation. His dedication to helping athletes achieve optimal performance through effective rehabilitation strategies is a defining aspect of his professional identity.

Jeremy's background as a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) complements his skills as a physical therapist, providing him with a deep understanding of athletic training and conditioning. He has extensive training in the treatment and management of lower extremity sports-related injuries, which equips him to address a range of conditions commonly encountered in athletic populations.

Jeremy's academic journey includes graduating from the University of Central Florida in 2019 with a degree in Exercise Science. He furthered his education at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, where he obtained his Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2022. This solid educational foundation has provided him with comprehensive knowledge and skills in physical therapy.

Throughout his studies, Jeremy gained valuable experience working with a wide range of male and female Division I athletes through his clinical rotations with the Maryland Terrapins and UMBC Retrievers. This exposure to collegiate athletics has allowed him to apply his academic knowledge in a practical setting, enhancing his ability to treat athletes effectively.

Jeremy specializes in treating lower extremity muscle and tendon injuries, ACL rehabilitation, and athletic hip and groin pain. His expertise in these areas is crucial for athletes recovering from such injuries, as he helps them regain strength, functionality, and confidence to return to their sports.

As a large advocate of evidence-based physical therapy, Jeremy is committed to translating research into clinical practice. This approach ensures that his treatment methods are grounded in the latest scientific evidence, providing the most effective and up-to-date care to his patients.

Jeremy Beyer's journey in physical therapy, marked by his passion for sports rehabilitation and his commitment to evidence-based practice, highlights his dedication to helping athletes overcome injuries and enhance their performance. His combination of personal interest, academic achievement, and clinical experience makes him a knowledgeable and effective practitioner in the realm of sports physical therapy.