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Nov 16, 2023

True Sports PT’s Rise to Baltimore’s #1 with Dr. Austin Collish and Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt

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Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: This one is gonna be different than most of our podcasts. I'm gonna have Dr. Austin Colish ask me a couple of questions. So he'll be host, I'll be guest. And hopefully you guys get a little bit out of my journey. Obviously, it's not my favorite topic, talking about myself, but Austin did a really good job of pulling some things out in terms of the founding of True Sports Physical Therapy, what makes us different in the field, and how you can jumpstart your career, whether you're thinking about entrepreneurship or whether you're thinking about just improving your clinical outcomes, your clinical interactions, and the buy-in with the patients that are sitting right in front of you. There's some real gold here, some real notes to just kinda jot down and think, "How am I gonna incorporate this into my day-to-day?" Austin did an outstanding job of pulling that out of me, and really being able to enhance your careers, I'm really excited for you guys to listen to this. Please, please, please, share this with your friends, leave us a review, and let us know what we can do better so we can continue to provide you with outstanding content, resources, education, and tidbits to make your career better because that's what we're doing at the True Sports Physical Therapy Podcast. So thanks for listening along, can't wait to hear your feedback.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Welcome back to the True Sports Physical Therapy Podcast. Every once in a while, I find myself sitting down to interview titans of this profession. And today, I find myself across from Dr. Austin Colish, his second time around on the True Sports Physical Therapy Podcast. Welcome back.

Dr. Austin Colish: Thank you so much, it's an honor to be sitting across from you again.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: It is awesome to see your adaptability. I think it's one of your number one traits. So when we sat down to do this podcast, we sat down to do a podcast with Marcus Holman, who is arguably one of the best lacrosse players in the world.

Dr. Austin Colish: Currently, yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And we had some technical difficulties. And so Marcus being a star, he had things to do, us being physical therapists, we have very little to do today. So Marcus had to run, and Austin said, "Well, why don't we put together a pod, just me and you." And then we came up with a couple of ideas, one of which is, we're gonna switch roles a little bit. So Austin is gonna talk to me, as if anyone listening gives a damn, and just ask me a couple of questions about what it is I do for a living professionally, my favorite foods, my hobbies and interests.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah, as you mentioned, Yoni, I've known you for a while. There's one thing I definitely know that's true to you, is that you don't like talking about yourself.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I hate it.

Dr. Austin Colish: So I am super honored and excited to be sitting, I'm gonna say the host chair, and be asking you some questions. So just thinking about some milestones, we're coming into the end of the year, heading into 2024, correct me if I'm wrong, but True Sports began in 2014?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: 2014. February 11th, 2014, I treated my first patient.

Dr. Austin Colish: So, huge milestone. We're coming up on 10 years of you owning this awesome practice, that is just grown and exploded. So I really wanna start there and dive in, and just pick top-level brain... Talk about what was that experience like 10 years ago? And I guess let's start with, what made you decide to take that leap into business ownership?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: What made me do this to begin with was, I saw a real lacking in the marketplace. I came out of graduate school and thought all physical therapy looked like the way we practice now. And it doesn't.

Dr. Austin Colish: Nope.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I found myself, I took my highest offer coming out of graduate school, which at the time was $68,000, and it was far and away the best offer I got. The guy said it was an orthopedic practice, he said it was a sports-based practice. I quickly learned that neither of those were true. I was treating very rapidly, at a very rapid pace, three patients an hour, and I did a lot of handing off, and that wore me out really quickly, unfortunately. Every day I would walk in and do the math of how much more I was making that day than I would have made had I taken a lesser offer and it was like pennies. And I'm like, "What the hell am I doing?" And so that was in Baltimore, Baltimore County, and I looked around and said, "Okay, let me find a sports place. I don't care how much I make." I was lucky enough, my wife was working as a nurse at that time, and I just didn't care about money. I was like, "Let me just find an awesome job." And there wasn't much in Baltimore, and so I'm like, "Okay, let me look at a bigger market." And I looked in New York, my wife's a New Yorker, I did my last rotation up at Manhattan Sports & Manual in the heart of Manhattan. And I said, "Let me look up there."

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And I looked up there and I found one or two places that I thought actually were sports places, and they offered me less money in Manhattan than I was making in Baltimore County, which crazy.

Dr. Austin Colish: That's crazy. Yeah. And it's funny you mentioned that. And I talk about this a lot, I think we actually talked about this when I was last in the pod. But that idea that the marketing towards the general public that doesn't know the difference, and they'll put sports medicine, they'll put sports rehab, they'll say we treat athletes, and they'll slap that on anything. And you walk in, yeah, it's exactly what you described, it's a mill where they're treating four or five an hour, and a lot of the times it's like an older population, maybe even geriatric orthopedics. So I definitely relate with that. And I, 10 years later, was going through that same type of search initially when I came out of school.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: What was crazy to me was the economics. I didn't understand it, I didn't understand why I would be making less in Manhattan than I would here and my rent would be double. And I think that's really based upon reimbursement rates, and they're actually lower in New York often times than they are in Baltimore. It's just, you think about it from the insurance side, they're covering so many more people, so those dollars get spread across a much wider population, and so there's less to give out per session, per therapy session, and so there's less for the business owner to give to their therapists. I think that maybe that's changed a little bit, but not to any discernible difference, so you're still gonna make just about as much in Manhattan as you would make working in Baltimore.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I don't get it, and I didn't get it then. And so what I did was I found a sports practice that was a practice of one in Baltimore. It was One PT, I was his first hire. And I said to the guy. "I wanna join you. We're gonna blow this thing up. There's no one doing sports here, I'm telling you, we can do something powerful here." He wasn't doing any team sports, he didn't have a team sports background, and so that's what I did. I joined him, and within a year, I was there for one calendar year and we hired two PTs and doubled our footprint.

Dr. Austin Colish: Wow.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: We were in 3,000 square feet, we went to 6,000 square feet, we brought on a strength coach, we brought on two physical therapists.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay, wow.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And we were rocking and rolling.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And I looked at the guy and said, "Hey, remember when I joined you a year ago, I told you we would blow up. And I told you when we blew up, I want a piece of the action. I want some type of ownership or some type of profit share or something." And he offered me a $5,000 raise.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I remember specifically he offered me... I think I got up to 75 or 80,000, on...

Dr. Austin Colish: So not correlated with what you thought you were generating and contributing to the whole business picture?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Correct. And by the way, I try to be very present in looking at that offer sheet. And I try to remember that offer sheet when I talk to therapists here and say, commensurate with what you're bringing in is what I wanna compensate whoever joins me here. And so if you're treating 40 hours a week, you're producing this amount of revenue, this is what you should get paid. If you're doing more than treating 40 hours a week, you should get paid a little bit more. If you're managing and generating business to fill other therapists, you should make more. If you're managing multiple clinics, if you're managing all of our clinics, you should be making more, 'cause I remember what that felt like.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I remember, it just didn't make sense to me. And so I tried to flip that script and I try to keep that front of mind as we go through a hiring process, and now we've grown to... I think we're up to like 45, 50 physical therapists, to figure out, how do we come up with those different comp structures? And so that was my mindset. So back to 2014, looking at that offer of, call it, 75, 80,000 compared to what I thought I could do on my own, I said, "Why don't I just do this on my own?"

Dr. Austin Colish: Well, I think it's crucial that you had a year of doing it basically yourself. It was you and another guy, essentially starting a business, blowing that up, specifically targeted to the patient population that you wanted to see. So that year, I'm sure it was huge, and actually building the confidence and the business know-how. How hands-on were you during that first year in terms of marketing and...

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Everything.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay, the hiring process, all that.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Everything.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: That sounds like a smooth transition to 2014 when I opened.

Dr. Austin Colish: It wasn't.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: It wasn't, and here's why it wasn't. It took me three years of looking at that offer sheet and then trying to negotiate for more.

Dr. Austin Colish: Oh, so you were with them for... Okay, it wasn't just a year. Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I was with... Yeah, I was with him for a year. We made that huge game, I got really lucky in hindsight that my boss at that time tore both of his bicep tendons.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: On each arm. And so the reason I say that, I remember very clearly, I forgot how he tore the first bicep, but I rehab-ed his first bicep, it was the first bicep repair that I'd never seen. It was on my boss.

Dr. Austin Colish: I love that.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And then fast-forward like six months later, he obviously was out of that brace and we were moving into our bigger location, and he was moving large rolls of rubber flooring off the truck with his good arm when he felt his good arm go. And I'm watching this happen, and I'm like, "He's gonna be incapacitated again."

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: He has surgery again and so my life kinda... My clinical life kinda starts over again 'cause now I'm treating his whole caseload now that he has no arms. I'm rehabbing him.

Dr. Austin Colish: That's crazy.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And I'm trying to figure out how we're gonna grow. And by the way, that's when I studied for my OCS, during that time period. So studying for OCS, trying to grow this clinic, treat his entire schedule, treat my entire schedule, supervise the two therapists we had brought on, and then I was in this rut of negotiation for three years. Growing this clinic, negotiating, doing all the crap I just described. So that's where I really started to learn, wait a minute, I actually think I can do this on my own. I didn't think prior, and I didn't even have the need to, I would have been fine partnering with him, just for more than $75,000, I thought at the time. And so that's really what pushed me to say, "This guy obviously doesn't see my value." I was 32 at the time, so I got two kids at home, or maybe I had one and one about to come, it should be now. And you asked me what it was like, I think was one of your questions? 

Dr. Austin Colish: Sure.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And the word I would use would be terrifying.

Dr. Austin Colish: [chuckle] It's funny hearing that story, and I feel like that really relates probably with a lot of the clinicians we bring on now where it's like, you're shot right out of the cannon right out of grad school, and then you're kinda thrown into the hectic-ness of the real world, treating a caseload for our CDs and our RDs, definitely taking on more of a management role. I see a lot of that in how you've built the structure here, and it sounds like you've really learned from those lessons of having to be through that yourself, to kinda make that as streamlined as possible. I know I've seen that change, I'm going on, if you include that first year when I was here as a student, this will kinda year four going to five. I've seen that change dramatically in terms of our own structure here at the company. I think it's just awesome to hear your own story. I think if somebody came in off the street now to meet Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt, CEO of True Sports, they would just assume, "Well, he's always had the knack for business ownership, he's always had business acumen." Think that's true?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: No.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah. [laughter]

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Not true at all. Didn't learn a damn thing in graduate school about running a business, I think they tried. There was one class... I've shared this story before. There was one business class that they provided us in graduate school at University of Maryland, Baltimore, and I submitted essentially what was my business plan for True Sports as a project in that class. I think I got a C. And my whole idea, I thought this was genius, was to rent smaller spaces in big athletic facilities and try to grow a practice like that.

Dr. Austin Colish: Do you still have those papers? I would love to see if you could pull that proposal from grad school and see how closely that reflects now, do you...

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Dude, it's the same thing.

Dr. Austin Colish: What do you think? Yoo think so?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah, first of all, I definitely have those papers, second of all, it was exactly the same model that we... And by the way, now it's really common place in the market that we've seen this model work. So I think I was on to something there. I'll tell you what else I have. I have an email, my mom actually just gave it to me because it was in a stack of papers in my old bedroom when I was living at home as a college student. And it was an email that I sent to University of Maryland saying, "Here's why you need to take me into your program. I know my GPA sucks, I know, it's horrible, but I've done this, this, this. By the way, I'm good at this, this, this. Take a chance on me, I'm gonna make you look really good." It was an email that now, it was printed out on paper that I had to tear off the sides of the paper because it had those holes that old school printers used to use to flip things through the printer, and it's just the way before laser printers were everywhere, that's what we used, but that's the paper that...

Dr. Austin Colish: I'm gonna say, I don't even know what you're talking about. [laughter]

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah. And maybe like three people listening do, but it was typed up on that paper, but I think it shows you I didn't academically by the numbers, I didn't deserve to get into graduate school, but there were things...

Dr. Austin Colish: No. Yeah, no, for sure, and what I'm hearing from that is that you had self-awareness to know, "Hey, what am I good at?" And also you had vision. I think that's super important for anyone who's interested in going to business ownership or management, or whatever. I think kinda as you take these steps that life gives you, one, you gotta be reflective to learn from those mistakes, but you also have to be self-aware of what your strengths are, it sounds like you definitely did that.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Well, they were my only strengths 'cause it wasn't... 'Cause the academics obviously weren't there. You mentioned that you've seen a lot of growth in True Sports with our clinic directors, that's CDs, with our regional directors, that's the RDs, you mentioned these are therapists that manage other therapists, tell me what growth you have seen and then tell me what do you want that next stage to look like?

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah, so the first part coming on, as I mentioned, I was here as a student for about three, four months, and I think at the time we had maybe three or four clinics, so I think that title of a clinic director and definitely an RD, RD did not exist back then. So from a, I guess, opportunity standpoint, I've seen that grow and flourish. But I think we, and I know you and I have had, and all the other RDs and Tim, we've had some big discussions on how do we continue to improve that leadership process and just provide more structure? As you've mentioned, we've grown, we have 50 clinicians, we're gonna continue to grow. I think making sure that we have that backbone to lean on. So I've seen that from a day-to-day operations standpoint, it's funny when I think about my roles here, for anyone who follows me on social media, it looks like I just play lacrosse all day, that's partly true. But a lot of the stuff that's not seen goes into the nitty-gritty of management and maintaining relationships with our staff, making sure that people are getting the needs that they have met, but also make sure that they feel comfortable here in the company, and whether that looks like day-to-day operations, like having access to equipment or knowing that, hey, there's a year or two or three or five, 10-year plan for them to be in this career, to see the patient population that they want and to stick with us.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: You use an important word there, you use the word career, and I think that's one of our shortcomings early on. I'll keep it on me. My shortcoming as a leader early on was trying to have the vision of, "How do we turn this from a job into a career with ladders and steps that you can climb?" And we did that. I'd say we did that like three years ago-ish, when we came up with this regional director idea, but then more recently, what does it look like and how does it fit in when you're not a clinic director? How are there other avenues you can go or other directions you can pursue that's not just, first, treating more. Second, managing a clinic, there are only so many clinics we can open, as we've learned, and swung and missed that at a few, and what are other needs of the business? This business needs more than just people treating one-on-one for 45 minutes.

Dr. Austin Colish: 100%.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: We need someone in charge of clinical education. We need someone in charge of continuing education. We need someone involved in, let's call it clinical morale, engagement. What are those ladders and what are the needs of the business? And then, who fits them?

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: So I think that's coming out. I love that you love the structure that we currently have regional directors. It's worth sharing one of the mistakes we made early on was we developed these regions. They weren't just geographics really, where you'd be a regional director, let's call it in location A, and then we have another regional director, location B or area B. Well, what happens? How do we prevent a conflict or fighting, for lack of a better word, between those regions? I want everyone pulling for True Sports, not just for Austin Colish? And one of the ways we've gotten around that is said, okay, here are your regions. It's nice to say everyone is super altruistic, we want the whole business to grow. That's great. But when it comes to putting food on the table, those are real, those are tangible things you're arguing about or maybe butting heads about.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Now that's my referral source. So that I developed that patient lead, why are they going to Tim's region or someone else's region? And one of the ways we've tried to get around that and work around that is say, you're managing a region, so you're gonna get comped and bonused on your region, but not only that, you're gonna get comped and bonused on the health of the whole company. And that's one of the, I think the mistakes we made early on, and I think that's something we're still trying to brainstorm around. But that's one of the ways we've gone around it is to say, Austin, you're running this region, but also you see an upside when the whole company survives. So I highlight that to say there's a learning curve there and we're pushing the envelope, and there are gonna be some bumps.

Dr. Austin Colish: Well, honestly, that's why I love it. 'Cause I think you do a good job of maintaining professionalism and operating an extremely high level, but also being candid. And especially from the RD level, like I've seen that candidness in you. And sometimes you'll show up to meetings, you're like, look, I made a mistake here and we gotta learn from that. I think really that's all you could ask for. I think that translates so beautifully to the rehab side too. Sometimes early on, you're rehabbing an ACL and maybe you added too many plyos, foot contacts that week and their knee blows up. Okay. Well, what do we do? We take a second, we reassess, we dial it back, and then we go on.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah.

Dr. Austin Colish: We move forward. So that's why I appreciate it. 'Cause it's shown that this has been a growing process and for you to hop on upon and say, I don't know anything about business ownership as a CEO, it's really important and validating for me as someone who works in the company here, look, but I'm figuring it out. And we've seen that. As you mentioned, shifting to career, again, that's something that really excites me because I love each of the clinicians we have on. And part of the vision is spreading essentially the good word of True Sports, which by the way is just one-on-one care, one-on-one care for 45 minutes and operating at a really high level meeting athletes where they need to be. It's something you talk about all the time on these pods, and it's something that every one of our clinicians really believe in. In addition to just like learning from your mistakes, any other good resources, or did you have a mentor perhaps that kinda helped you navigate this space?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah. I've had a few mentors. I still do. I had a mentor who was very close to me, shares a family line with me.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And so early on, I've always been gung-ho about whatever it is I do.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Business-wise, sports-wise, whatever. And I got really into this entrepreneurship concept. I got into this entrepreneurship concept halfway through graduate school.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And so when I'm talking to my mentor at the time and saying, how do you run your business? How do you hire? How do you figure out how to bonus? What's your interview process? How do you negotiate a lease? How do you negotiate with insurance companies?

Dr. Austin Colish: So you're asking all these questions in grad school?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I'm asking all these questions in graduate school. This is called second year grad school. And he turned to me and he said, can you please just worry about being a good physical therapist?

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Like, shut up and figure out how to rehab low back pain.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: How to rehab shoulder pain. And...

Dr. Austin Colish: I think, I'm pretty sure you said those exact words to me about six months in when I was like, all right, what's next?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And so he was basically saying like just wait, figure it out. There's so many great business men in this field. There are very few outstanding clinicians that are good businessmen. And what you always have to fall back on, God forbid this house of cards that is True Sports falls apart, I know that I can box the whole thing up, put it away. It's a loss, and that sucks, but I'm gonna be the best physical therapist in Baltimore. So anyone who's hurt can come see me, and they will pay me to rehab that. And if I didn't have that, I'm In trouble.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah. And I'm just gonna say for those of you who don't know, and one thing I certainly admire about you is Yoni still sees a very sizable caseload and treats every day on top of all the meetings he has, on top of all the business administration stuff, almost to a point where it's a little annoying just to get on a phone call with him 'cause if he's not doing business stuff, he's treating high level NFL, MLB athlete, and he's in the gutter, he's in the trenches with us.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I'm also in the gutter, [chuckle] but I am in the trenches. And I think that's important. Now, I don't treat as much as I used to, and that came from another mentor of mine, a guy named Tim Stone, who really had to sit me down and say, what are you doing? You screwed up this business thing because you were doing NFL home visits till 11:00 PM, and you didn't get that phone call or you didn't have that meeting.

Dr. Austin Colish: Sure.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And so that was like a little bit of like taking my own medicine of like trying to figure out, like... I shy away from this title of CEO that was kinda like forced on me by Tim, but he's right in the sense that that is now part of my job. I love that. I love it. But I needed to realize that that is in my job description, and if I'm not doing that, I got 50 PTs that are gonna suffer. I got 20 admin that are gonna suffer because I'm not doing a good enough job of doing the CEO stuff.

Dr. Austin Colish: The role changes.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: The role changes.

Dr. Austin Colish: You're definitely doing different stuff now than you were 10 years ago.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah, including sitting behind a microphone and talking about myself. But I think it's valid. On the flip side, we are all in big trouble. I think you as a regional director are in big trouble in this company if I am barking orders from a CEO position and I don't know what it's like to rehab an ACL.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: A lacrosse ACL from a prep schooler, a low back pain from a lacrosse mom, an NFL Achilles rupture, I have to still be doing that. My first job, that first position I took in that mill of a clinic, I had a boss who did not treat, and when he would tell me to do stuff, in the back of my head, if not coming out of my mouth was shut the hell up, dude, you don't know what it's like to manage a caseload. So that's why I still keep my hand in the fire, but also, there are a lot of times I still freaking love it.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I'm amazed at what we can do as athletes, as what you guys can do as athletes, as what NFL guys can do and what the human body can do. Like you've heard me probably evaluate a shoulder and give a speech after that evaluation of like, I'll pull the skeleton over like I always try to do and say, this is crazy. Look at what we have inside our body.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yoni loves shoulders.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I freaking love shoulders. They're fascinating to me because it is a miracle that they ever were.

Dr. Austin Colish: It's crazy.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: It's crazy. There's so much motion there. And how that humerus stays inside of the glenoid is beyond me. And so I try to relay that number one, love and fascination of the anatomy and physiology and pathophysiology, and then relay how they, the patient, the athlete is gonna help themselves get better and they better buy in because I'm totally bought in on what it is we know how to do, and that's educate the rotator cuff, educate your scapular, stabilizers, all that stuff. So that's the other reason that I keep my hands in the fire.

Dr. Austin Colish: It's awesome. And for sure your patients definitely appreciate it. Okay. Let's talk about some biggest lessons or maybe surprises even. I think I wanna go that route more of like, what's something that comes with business ownership that you weren't daydreaming about in grad school? And maybe year five versus year 10 you've kinda realized like, wow, okay, like this is something I wasn't expecting, but I've had to either adapt to or could be positive as well, not just all mistakes made.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I can't believe the level of responsibility that comes with it. Making intelligent decisions while they might not always be the right decision, impact so many people. I wasn't expecting that. I wasn't expecting... I had this conversation with Dr. Chelsea Cooman when she came to me and said, hey, I'm expecting my first child. I did not expect to be so impacted by the fact that an employee of mine was having a child and she was going to then provide for that child because of the company that we've created. I wasn't ready for that. And so that was exciting. That was humbling. That was motivating. Certainly not something I envisioned on February 11th, 2014.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah. Yeah. What do you think you got right?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Keeping in mind that offer letter from my second boss. Continuing to keep that front and center to say, is this person being rewarded commensurate to what they're producing? I think I've done that well. Could I do it better in certain instances? Yes. But I think that that has rung true. And you see it with our leadership that have stuck around who feel valued by what it is we do. Sometimes you have to have conversations like, wait a minute, it doesn't make sense to reward or compensate you the way you think because the dollars and cents don't make sense. But to have that front and center, to know that I hired probably twice before I took any dollars and put them in my pocket and put it in their pocket first, those hires first, I think I've done that well.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah. And you talk about the hiring process. It's something you and I have discussed, something I think we're still like learning. What do you look for in a hire? Like how do you know if someone's a great candidate?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Passion.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah. That's it? 

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: That's front and center.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: What I've done wrong...

Dr. Austin Colish: Let's hear it. [laughter]

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah. That's easy. That's a much longer answer.

Dr. Austin Colish: Sure.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: What I've done wrong is look for elite level athletes to bring in. I used to think I needed to hire division one athletes, which I'm not one.

Dr. Austin Colish: Same.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I used to think I needed to hire very, very, very accomplished academics. Do you have your OCS? Then you can't work here if you don't have. Do you have your CSCS? Well, then you don't meet the grade, you can't be here. That was a huge mistake. I definitely hired people who hit those platitudes, and I was wrong.

Dr. Austin Colish: Well, you see the other side too, where somebody can have CSCS, OCS, whatever, every certification known to man, and then they can't have a conversation with someone.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: All the time.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: All the time. And I still chose them.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And I was dead wrong. And it bit me in the ass and it bit the company in the ass. So that's why my answer is passion, period today.

Dr. Austin Colish: Got you. Okay. I wanted to pick your brain on the clinical side as well.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah.

Dr. Austin Colish: Going into over a decade of treating, which you've been now, what's changed most clinically? What do you do differently now than maybe you weren't thinking about the first couple years out of school?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Okay. Let's talk pathology specific or region specific with the knee.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah. Yeah. Let's talk about ACLs.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: No one told me about terminal extension and its level of import. I don't know where I learned it, I wish I could. I would love to give one person credit like, hey, he showed me knee extension and that's the most important thing. But I eventually came to it somehow. This idea of a heel pop and being able to own the patella sliding superiorly, letting it sit down inside the femur or on top of the femur and allowing that heel to pop up and the tibia to translate all the way towards terminal knee extension. I didn't do it early on. And I bet you there are a lot of athletes out there right now that have horrible patellar tendonitis because I didn't tell them to get to terminal extension. I didn't show them a bag hang. First time I saw a bag hang, a supine bag hang was when I was studying for my OCS, call that 2013, I guess when I got my OCS, I think that's right. Maybe '12. And that was the number one thing I learned from all of that literature review and the prep for that test was the supine bag hang. So I definitely had patients that probably had a quad lag and I was obsessed with doing... You have to do a million straight leg raises, they weren't doing it right.

Dr. Austin Colish: I don't think it was just you. Even now, we still see that. We still have how many patients a week, a month, a day who come in who had started, initiated the first acute phases of postoperative ACL rehab at another physical therapy place. They come in more times not limping in a fused knee, swollen, ton of pain, don't have that full knee extension and they just didn't know about it. So I feel to an extent, we're a bit in an echo chamber where I hear the word heel pop probably a hundred times a day, and 75% of it's just coming out of my mouth. But I think part of what makes our True Sports community so passionate on that is because, again, we see that every day limping into the clinic.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah.

Dr. Austin Colish: So hopefully...

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: So that's me.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Shoulder-wise, things that I've come a long way on is this scapular retraction concept. It is important. It's important that you're able to set your scapula. It's important that you're able to put it in your back pocket or whatever cue you want to use. It's also important for it to protract, and for it to slide around the rib cage and how well an athlete handles their scapula and thereby humerus when it's outstretched, when they're following through, let's say on a pitch for those of you listening, that came late for me. So I think that's also super, super important. The other thing is FAI and hip impingement. When I came outta grad school, so I've been treating for like 15 years. When I came outta grad school, I don't think we knew what the hell FAI was, let me rephrase that. I didn't know what FAI was.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay. [chuckle]

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: It wasn't covered in graduate school properly. I didn't understand the mechanics of the hip joint, how it relates to the shoulder joint, how similar and also how different they can be. I just think we were obsessed with at that point, glute strength. Same thing with the knee. Oh, it must be coming from the glutes. And now we've moved further down the chain towards quadriceps. I'm sure there's... You see it with like knees over toes, him getting into anterior tib, and how that's the panacea. And oh my God, how have you not been hitting your anterior tib? That's why you have knee pain.

Dr. Austin Colish: That might just be a bit more of a symptom of like social media, and we wanna find a thing to hang on to.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: You're right. And we didn't have that 15 years ago, but I think we've gotten away from the glute. And I think if you look at studies that glute control and hip control is far less important than quadriceps control as it pertains to anterior knee pain, whatever that is. Whether it's patellofemoral syndrome or whether it's tendonitis, patellar tendonitis, I think I've seen that come a long way.

Dr. Austin Colish: So I have two thoughts in my mind. One, I think it's crazy 'cause you're talking about the importance of glute strength emphasized in school. By the way, I school later than you, I'll start the same thing. No one's talking about knee extension or quad loading for ACLs. No one's talking about that for FAI either.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And what worries me about that is the professors that are living in this academia, how much are they treating? I hate to say this, how much are they on social media? How much are they looking at what is current, what are the fads? And are we getting that across to the students to whatever degree you like that fad or social media, but it's important and it's such a massive sample size. So that there's so much gold there. I look back at some of my professors and think, were they treating athletes? Then why are they teaching that course? And we were just missing it. I've seen my graduate school now start to bring on some faculty that have a little bit more bearing inside that athletic world to good ends.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I will get students now that do understand some of that quad loading concept. Some of it's from the graduate school, some of it's from their own hustle.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah. Also you mentioned social media. Do you think clinicians are in a better place now because of the ease of access they have to that?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: What do you think my answer to that is gonna be?

Dr. Austin Colish: Absolutely, yes.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Absolutely, yes. I totally agree.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I didn't have a way coming out of graduate school. This makes me sound really old, but I didn't have a way to find the information. It was very hard to unearth these resources. You had to find strength and conditioning. I got lucky that I found strength and conditioning when I joined the second practice that I was part of because they were in-house with strength coaches who knew a lot more of that world than the doctors of physical therapy. So now we see this beautiful amalgamation of strength and conditioning and rehab.

Dr. Austin Colish: I talk about it candidly too. My first year of PT school, I almost dropped out 'cause in my head, I didn't really have a good perception or understanding of what physical therapy was.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah.

Dr. Austin Colish: I knew I wanted to work with athletes within some regard.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: What were you gonna do?

Dr. Austin Colish: Be a strength coach. And I literally, after year one of learning about how to do a sit pivot transfer and how to do the timed up and go test, I was pulling my hair out and I was like, I just wanna be in a weight room and work with athletes and make an impact.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah.

Dr. Austin Colish: So I seriously considered dropping out and it wasn't until I think I saw Lax doctor throw back to Tim's old handle on Instagram, and then I went down this crazy rabbit hole. I'm pretty sure I sent you a DM, but that was through Instagram. If I didn't see True Sports on Instagram, my journey into Sports PT probably would not have happened as it did.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah. So we're way better off. And I too almost dropped out, but I was gonna be a lawyer.

Dr. Austin Colish: Oh, really?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah. Yeah. Now you mentioned before, do I know anything about business? Some of that...

Dr. Austin Colish: What was your undergrad major? 

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Kinesiology.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay. Did you take any business minors? 

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Not a thing. And by the way, five, six years into True Sports, so less than that. I wanna say 2019, so five years into True Sports, I didn't know how to read a profit and loss statement. I didn't know what a profit and loss statement was, but I had 15 employees or something like that. So what was I doing?

Dr. Austin Colish: Well, that's why I asked the mentor question. Did you just have a team of guys who were like, hey, what the heck do I do here?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: So I'm definitely blessed by my community in the sense that for whatever reason, so many of my buddies own and run their own. Fill in the blank. Law firms, dental practices, construction companies. So they're in it. They're learning it also. By the way, their education was not business, it was in law or it was in dentistry.

Dr. Austin Colish: Did you find that those other professions kinda like almost helped them with their business ownership? 'Cause I know from my end, again, as you mentioned, I probably had one class on how to run a clinic.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah. Dental, yes.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: They are awesome at it. I don't know if it's in their graduate programs, but there's definitely this awesome... And we have it now in physical therapy. In the last few years, we've come a really long way with the business side education of it. Dental, it's there and it's robust and it's awesome. So they got it at least once they got out. I was fortunate enough, I forgot who pushed me to take this Goldman Sachs business course. It was called 10,000...

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And you applied to get into it. I can't remember who told me to do it. It might've been my accountant at the time. I can't remember, but I owe them a huge debt of gratitude. I owe Michael Bloomberg a huge debt of gratitude because he sponsored the whole thing. Goldman Sachs, 10,000 Small Businesses. You can look it up now. We can put a link in the show notes.

Dr. Austin Colish: Sure.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And what you do is you apply to get in. You have to have a certain amount of revenue in your business already. You have to have a certain amount of employees in your business already. And it is business 101. And you're in a class. I think I had 50 classmates, maybe a little bit less and it's thursday, Friday for like three months

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And you don't go to work, you go to school, you go to class and they teach you how to run a business and that's, you have marketing, you have financial statements, you have...

Dr. Austin Colish: Was that targeted towards healthcare or that was just like business ownership?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: No, not only that, I was the only... They section it off. They will only take a certain amount of people from a given industry. So there was no other, certainly no other physical therapist. There was no other medical professional in my class.

Dr. Austin Colish: Interesting.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: It was restauranteurs. It was teachers. It was a lot of government facing. It was construction workers. I stay in touch with them now to some degree, but they taught me so much.

Dr. Austin Colish: In that three months.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: In that three months and a huge credit to our team here at True Sports who allowed me to step away to go do that because I was totally absent every single Thursday, Friday, and you know I'm absent on Saturdays where just education, and that totally allowed me to have somewhat intelligent conversations with my accountant, with my attorney, with my landlords 'cause I never would have known how to go about that. And then...

Dr. Austin Colish: And how many clinics did you have at that point?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Three or four, four probably.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay. So things were picking up and you're in...

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Things were picking up and I'm like, what do I do?

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And I might've been one of the smaller businesses in that class.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I think I barely qualified to get in, but it was awesome. And they had classes like where, oh, your capstone project was a new business idea and you had to pitch it Shark Tank style to investors.

Dr. Austin Colish: That's awesome.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah, it was awesome. And True Sports won that thing.

Dr. Austin Colish: Hell yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: They were... People were thrilled with our... It was before we opened in Columbia.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: My pitch was our Columbia clinic.

Dr. Austin Colish: That's awesome.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Why did I think it would work? How would I take on money and investors? And yeah, it was super, super impactful.

Dr. Austin Colish: So my question to you, and it's a question I get from parents all the time. How come there's not more of this? How come there aren't more physical therapy practices that are built with the same ethos of we wanna provide extremely high level care one-on-one to athletes.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Because it is the slowest way to make a lot of money. Really, that's why. When I talk to my accountant, who is a self-described, just a boring accountant, he just looks at numbers and he looks at our P&L and says, Yoni, what are you doing? If you can make this amount of money treating this many patients, why don't you treat more patients?

Dr. Austin Colish: Double it, triple it.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Double it.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And by the way, as soon as you sell this company, whoever buys it...

Dr. Austin Colish: Is gonna do that.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Is gonna do that.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: So why are you letting them make all that money? Why are you paying your therapist like this if you're only generating this amount of revenue? And that's because we're in network that we're only able to generate a certain amount of revenue, and so our margins are slim.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: You've heard me say that a million times.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: The money has to come from somewhere. Where is it coming from? And so that's most likely one reason why there aren't more True Sports.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah. Well, it also sounds like it's a lot of effort on your end, one, to have the passion, as you mentioned, to want to be in that field. But I guess the wherewithal to take that leap and to start that endeavor. I think you've done an awesome job. I'm biased, clearly.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: You don't have to say that. Yeah.

Dr. Austin Colish: I'm biased, but I wouldn't have moved down here. I wouldn't have just recently bought a house here, and I wouldn't have stuck around this long if I didn't see that vision that you've shared with us. And I think that's all credit to you. Again, just being transparent and candid in that regard.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Well, what's crazy is, you Austin Colish, have been out of school for three years.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah, three and a half.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: You're getting married next year to the woman of your dreams.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Also a doctor of physical therapy.

Dr. Austin Colish: She's awesome. Shout out to Erica.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: She is awesome.

Dr. Austin Colish: Dr. Law.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Dr. Law. Yes. I've enjoyed my time with Dr. Law. She's awesome. But the fact that you're able to do that is, just shows that the model works, and it can work. The ownership of the practice has to realize this is not the easiest way to make a million bucks. But because of that, because we're not taking all of the money and putting it in the owner's pocket and we're spreading it across, you're able to buy a house. You're able to make a good salary, I hate to say it. And you're able to have a career. If this was 2016 and we didn't have these ladders, you would be out on your own just like I was out on my own trying to do the same thing. And you'd probably be making less money, way more risk and yeah, maybe you'd be able to buy that house, but when you went on vacation, you would be making zero money.

Dr. Austin Colish: The risk side is huge.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: It's huge.

Dr. Austin Colish: And I would challenge any of our clinicians who haven't spent some time thinking about entrepreneurship, but that's a huge aspect of it, that risk side. For those clinicians out there listening who haven't already applied for a job here, I highly encourage you to do that. But if they're may be thinking about taking that leap advice for them as they kind of start their own business.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: How do you mitigate that risk? One of the ways I mitigated the risk was the model I hinted at was renting space in other people's gyms.

Dr. Austin Colish: It allows you to be super flexible.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Allows you to be really flexible.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: So I think that's one piece of advice. Two, is if you can have some type of forethought to say, I want this to be a niche practice. I want this to be Austin Colish and I'm gonna treat the way I wanna treat and it's just gonna be me. What does that look like? What does it look like to say, I don't want it to just be me, I want it to be other people working underneath me. There are different structures and philosophies that go into the founding of that practice. So see if you can have that some type of forethought or foresight as to where you wanna...

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah. The proof of concept is there. And if you wanna be a PT and see athletes, it's there. But I like your point about like that niche population.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah. Yeah. Make sure you're treating the people that you wanna treat, and that's okay. If that's geriatrics, that's fine, but how do you find them, where do you find them, and then do you want it to be just you or do you want it to be a business? They're just two different kinds of outlooks I would say. So that would be one really big piece of advice. The other...

Dr. Austin Colish: Did you have the vision that we'd be where we are now? 

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I didn't have the vision that we would be at the scale we're at now.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I did not have the vision that we would be 50 PTs in...

Dr. Austin Colish: Sure. You think that's important though? So like say I wanna start my business tomorrow.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I think I would have been better off, I would have made decisions differently. I would have had conversations differently. If I had that thought, I probably would have avoided some of the mistakes that I made had I had that vision. So that would be one. Two is, and you hinted at it, mentors, it's awesome and I'm totally open to answering any questions that kinda come my way. And everyone is so accessible these days via social media, so find those mentors. But there's so much to learn from people that are not PTs. So as much, one... He's not my personal mentor, but I love Tim Ferriss. Like I devoured his books and content. He doesn't know physical therapy from Adam. He might know a little bit now, but his precepts and concepts are ones that I employ in physical therapy, just like you could do in dentistry, just like you could do in anything. So there are these business is business. And so understanding that, make sure you are reading. One of the most impactful books that I read was something called Setting The Table, and it's written by one of the leading restaurateurs in the world. I can't think of his name now, but he was the founder of Shake Shack.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: But more importantly, he has also elite level restaurants in Manhattan. Eleven Park Madison, I wanna say is one of his restaurants, one of the top restaurants in the world. How does he run them? How does he relate to the clients that walk in? And he talks about it, that it's all about hospitality.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And that he doesn't know anything about physical therapy. But what makes True Sports awesome is our service.

Dr. Austin Colish: Sure.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And we are in the service industry. And if you and Gary Vee, same way, once you realize that we're all doing the same thing, it's providing outstanding care, those become your mentors. So keep learning, keep reading, and don't be pigeonholed to just True Sports Physical Therapy Podcast or just Kelly Starrett, who is a legend in his own right. Look at the Tim Ferriss's of the world. Look at the Gary Vee's of the world. Look at the Patrick Bet-David's of the world. These are guys that are Titans in service, and that's what we do.

Dr. Austin Colish: I wanted to ask you, I love that you dropped the book title.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah.

Dr. Austin Colish: Any other books? Yoni's an avid reader. He's always challenging me to read new books. Give me two off the dome.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara. He worked for the guy who wrote Setting the Table.

Dr. Austin Colish: Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Setting the Table was recommended to me by a restaurateur in Frederick, Maryland, but Unreasonable Hospitality, the stories he shares are fascinating. And now I'm about halfway through Patrick Bet-David's Choose Your Enemies Wisely. Those are two books that I would say are must reads. That, and I loved Abraham Lincoln.

Dr. Austin Colish: [laughter] What? You're talking...

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Something...

Dr. Austin Colish: The present rivals. Okay.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Team of rivals. Yeah. Because he did something amazing. This guy, first of all, he fails a number of times.

Dr. Austin Colish: As we all do.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: As we all freaking do. Ran for office a number of times and lost. Then he wins, he wins the presidency.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yoni's also a massive history buff for those who don't know.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And you know what he does? When he wins the presidency, you know what he does? 

Dr. Austin Colish: What does he do?

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: He brings in all of his rivals into his cabinet. And he says, I know we fought about this, but you have obviously these unbelievable leadership skills. Let's work together.

Dr. Austin Colish: Well, that actually ties into a book you had recommended for me, probably not long after I had just started. And I would highly recommend it to anyone who's in a leadership position, whether you're a coach, a manager, a CDRD. It was Radical Candor by Kim Scott. That book was awesome. And she actually narrates the audio version, which is huge. But part of what you just talked about is don't surround yourself with yes, men, and find ways to have like really critical, candid conversations with people in the ways that you give positive feedback and the ways that you give and receive negative feedback. That's been huge for me as well.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And that, the ability to do that well is such an asset when running your own business. The name of the author of Setting The Table was Daniel Meyer. So the way you share feedback constructively, the way you're able to have tough conversations, I think Tim Ferriss said, we are only as successful in as many tough conversations as we've had. And so just being comfortable in those conversations and developing the ability for the person receiving that feedback to know, I'm not critiquing Austin Colish as a human, I'm giving you feedback on your work product.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Austin, you want your work product to be better. I want your work product to be better. How do we work together to make this work product better? As opposed to Austin, you screwed up that eval.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: I saw that review they wrote about us and it sucked. So what the hell? That's very different than sounds like it was a tough eval. They shared this feedback on their review. How can we go about this differently next time? And is there a way to maybe rectify that poor patient experience so that it becomes a positive one?

Dr. Austin Colish: I really liked that message because you're almost dissociating the individual from, again, like you mentioned, their work product. Just because you maybe didn't have the best performance at a given task or at a day, that doesn't mean you're a bad person.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah.

Dr. Austin Colish: And I think that's really important. And definitely having seen that in a position of responsibility to manage other people, being able to make that separation is like super key.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And by the way, going back to the question you asked in the middle of what do I hire for, that passion? If that person is passionate about physical therapy and about their work product, I know they wanna be better. However good they are or however bad they are.

Dr. Austin Colish: Like a willingness to learn or grow.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Exactly.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: And if they're accomplished academically, if they're so bright and so accomplished, that doesn't mean that they wanna get better, just means that they did well on a test.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: So Austin, I hate you for making me talk about myself.

Dr. Austin Colish: It was great. And I think everyone is gonna have a lot to pull from this conversation.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Well, thank you so much for being the host.

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Thank you for being flexible with all of our technical difficulties.

Dr. Austin Colish: Of course, always growing.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Where can our massive audience of sports physical therapists find you? 

Dr. Austin Colish: Yeah, so I'm most active on Instagram. You could find me @laxrehab. I have my email on there too, so I love chatting. So shoot me a DM, shoot me an email and let's talk.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah. Because now you're such a mentor now, it's amazing, You can always email this guy, he will get right back to you. Please feel free to reach out to me, Yoni, I'd love to hear from you. I wanna know what makes you guys tick. I wanna know how we can do this better. I am really excited about our ACL course that we just produced.

Dr. Austin Colish: It's awesome.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: It's awesome and it's... Austin kinda dragged this out of me. It speaks to a lot of what I wish I knew when I first came out of school, even five years post of how to rehab your athlete regardless of the level of competition. But even for those elite level athletes that you're seeing in your clinic, it's gonna walk you through step-by-step how to get them from the table, from the OR table. We have one of the world's best orthopaedic surgeons on that course, Dr. Jamie Dreese. What they go through on the OR table, and how do we take them all the way to coaching, teaching, change of direction, athletic performance, stuff that I massively struggled with once upon a time and still I'm always learning. So download that course now. I think it's on sale now. So you can find that in all of our social outlets, True Sports PT, that's where we are all across all platforms. Thank you guys for listening. Austin Colish, don't start another pod. You just gotta come right back on here. You were great, man. Thank you so much.

Dr. Austin Colish: Thanks, Yoni.

Dr. Yoni Rosenblatt: Yeah, man.


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